I mean, better late than never, but we must realize the extent of this cover-up here. The New York Times, The Washington Post, and especially The Wall Street Journal had multiple pieces about Joe Biden’s mental decline. The latter was scorched by the liberal press, only to be proven correct when Joe, degraded and frail as ever, got creamed by Donald Trump in the June CNN debate. The jig was up, and Democrats were left scrambling to replace him. It was an election-killing performance.
Lindy Li has been a Democratic Party donor and operative who has scorched Earth on her party. She is aghast at the wasted money and shell-shocked that her colleagues thought Kamala Harris would win Iowa. Those moments made her realize this was a fugazi operation, admitting that if the people she had solicited money for the vice president’s war chest had known how it would be spent, they’d never have cut checks for this rat ship.
Now, the Journal had another lengthy piece about the Biden White House’s cover-up operation, in which aides apparently knew Joe was cooked on day one of his presidency. Li told Fox News’ Kevin Corke that a family member of hers spoke with Biden during an event she had organized in May, walked away, and told her that they were “f**ked” for the upcoming election seeing the president’s declining mental faculties.
Li added that it’s hard for her to say since she knows and loves the man well, but he’s not healthy enough to do the job, and it’s been that way for quite some time.
Privately DNC Donors were reacting “We’re fucked” when confronted with Joe Biden’s mental decline:
Lindy Li: “Kevin [Corke] let’s just be very honest. The President has not been cognitively fit to assume the duties of Oval Office for a number of years now.
We saw that confirmed… pic.twitter.com/eDg7gmOzyQ— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) December 21, 2024
Al Mottur, a former Clinton operative, was also dismayed over how many Democrats played a role in covering up Biden’s declining mental health.
Former Hillary Clinton Campaign Advisor scolds Democrats for covering up Joe Biden’s mental decline, and admits Democrats have lost the moral high ground:
Al Mottur: “I’m disappointed in the Wall Street Journal story only in the sense that there are people now leaking on the… pic.twitter.com/W9bgttKzUu— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) December 20, 2024