
Trump Demolished Joe Biden on This Front…and Obliterated a Liberal Media Narrative, Too

Trump Demolished Joe Biden on This Front…and Obliterated a Liberal Media Narrative, Too

The liberal media’s latest claim is that President Donald J. Trump is trying to create his own state media apparatus, with the de facto severing of the White House Correspondents Association’s role in managing the press room. The days of the most liberal, anti-Trump outlets getting premium seating are over. And while the media may whine, they cannot complain about one thing: access. The Trump White House is the most transparent in years, maybe ever. 

From behind the scenes clips regarding events involving the president to taking questions, even from fake news reporters that he hates, Trump remains undefeated. He’s answered more questions in a month than Joe Biden did in the same period of his failed presidency (via NY Post): 

President Trump responded to a staggering 1,009 questions from journalists during the first month of his second term, according to a new analysis. 

The tabulation, compiled by George Condon of National Journal and published Tuesday, blows away prior presidents — including Joe Biden’s first-month total of 141 questions. 

Former President Barack Obama took 161 inquiries over the first 31 days of his first term in 2009.

Trump is taking far more questions than he did even in 2017 when he fielded 199 between Jan. 20 and Feb. 20 of that year. 

So, for a president who wants state media, he sure takes a lot of questions from decidedly anti-Trump outlets. He’s answering their questions, thereby obliterating this ‘Kremlinization’ talking point, which the same people are peddling regarding the tweaks to the White House Press Pool. The man knows how to decimate his enemies.


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