
NBC News Host Torches Biden for Doing Lasting Damage to the Country With Hunter’s Pardon

NBC News Host Torches Biden for Doing Lasting Damage to the Country With Hunter’s Pardon

NBC’s Chuck Todd has been called out numerous times for his liberal bias. On the Hunter Biden pardon, he’s spot-on, sifting through the interference of his colleagues regarding his action by Joe Biden—the NBC News host excoriated the president for doing lasting damage. On Meet the Press Now, Todd noted how a) Biden’s statement defending the pardon reeked of Donald Trump and his view on the Justice system and b) spoke about how devastating it is that both leaders of the Democratic and Republican parties think that the Justice Department has been politicized. He also added that there is now precedent to give ridiculous pardons that can span decades, thanks to Biden’s Hunter pardon: 

Well, now you have. So, forget who started it. If have the leading Democrat in America and the leading Republican America both agreeing on one thing, the Justice Department has been politicized. That is absolutely damning, that is long term damaging. This is no longer short term damaging.

Todd added that he understands that the president couldn’t live with himself if he didn’t pardon his son, but this action has done real damage to the country. If Biden had the concerns laid out in his statement about a weaponized justice system going after him and his family, specifically Hunter Biden, then maybe he should have never run for president. The former Meet the Press host noted that Biden had three kids in crisis when he decided to run. Running for national office brings the spotlight on these issues, and nothing is no longer off-limits, especially when there are allegations of tax evasion, shady payments, and influence-peddling. That problem compounded when Biden was busted for lying about his son’s business dealings.

Todd elaborated further on NBC News, adding that this act was the “Trumpification of Joe”: 

Biden has now borrowed Trump’s rhetoric to describe what he views as Hunter’s experience with the justice system. What kind of precedent will we have set if both parties accept the premise that whoever’s elected is going to politically prosecute his or her opponents? It’s part of Biden’s rationale for the pardon. And it will surely be Trump’s rationale for future pardons.  

What’s the general public supposed to think of the justice system now? The leading Republican in the country (Trump) and the leading Democrat in the country (Biden) have both claimed the system is unjust because of politics.   

Explain to me who’s got the high ground now on this issue. At this point, does it even matter who started us down this road, if everyone believes in the same conclusion? This is where I’m tempted to say, “Welcome to Thunderdome,” because a “Mad Max” reference feels relevant right now, though also a bit too doom and gloom even for my cynical taste. 

Biden made a huge mistake, and it really is going to make a lot of people question everything they thought they understood about him in public service.    

Character is revealed in tough moments, when the chips are down. Joe Biden had a choice between what was best for himself and his personal conscience and abiding by the oath he took as president. And he may have done what was best for his family, but he did not do what was in the best interest of the nation. 

A word of warning to Democrats pulling a muscle trying to defend Biden’s decision here. If you’re a frustrated Democrat because you think Republicans spend too much time trying to defend every move and every appointment Trump makes because they fear punishment for stepping out of line, then don’t behave the same way. I get the sense that many Democrats feel duty-bound to somehow defend Biden’s decision here even if they can’t defend it. 

I get there’s empathy for Hunter Biden’s becoming collateral damage in a massive political fight. Some Democrats also fear their criticism of Biden will get weaponized by the right-wing media. Well, so what? Wrong is wrong; take your medicine now. Trying to wish this away or sweep this under the rug as a one-off move from a loving father is a mistake. 

This will be a pardon that will reverberate down the road. If you believe it’s bad for the country if Trump mixes his business and his family with governing, then it’s bad when a Democratic president behaves even remotely similarly. This slope is very slippery, and it’s why it’s hard not to ask whether we are witnessing the Trumpification of Joe Biden. He let a personal grievance dictate a presidential decision.

It’s a more reasoned take than most from the liberal media regarding this pardon, but, hey, Trump and Biden now agree on something major, right? It’s bipartisan disgust of the DOJ—what a time to be alive.

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