
Number of homeless people passes 15,000 for first time since records began

Number of homeless people passes 15,000 for first time since records began

The total homeless population has surpassed 15,000 for the first time since homeless figures were compiled more than a decade ago.

Figures published on Friday by the Department of Housing show there are now 15,199 people in emergency accommodation, including 4,658 children in 2,168 families.

This is an increase of more than 230 in a month, and represents a 12.4 per cent increase in a year. This data, counted during the week of November 18th to 24th, 2024, does not include people sleeping rough, couch-surfing, in domestic violence refuges, or unaccommodated asylum seekers.

In Dublin where the crisis is most acute, there were 10,925 people, including 3,575 children 1,524 families, in emergency accommodation – a 10 per cent increase on November 2023 when the capital’s homeless population totalled 9,906.

Details of the twice-yearly Dublin rough-sleeper count were also published on Friday, showing a 14 per cent increase in numbers on a year previously. That count, conducted between November 4th and 10th, 2024, found 134 “unique individuals” sleeping outdoors across the four Dublin local authority areas.

The majority of the people confirmed as rough sleeping were male, Irish and aged between 26-45 years, said Dublin Simon which provides the Dublin rough-sleeper outreach team. Of these 86 per cent were linked with one of the four Dublin local authorities. A total of 43 per cent were using tents.

Chief executive of Dublin Simon, Catherine Kenny, was “alarmed” by the increase in rough sleeping.

“This is particularly concerning given the extremely cold conditions across the country and the multi-hazard weather event expected over the weekend and into next week,” she said. “Combined with the thousands in emergency accommodation in the capital alone, the growing number of people without a place to call home represents a crisis that is only getting worse. These figures are more than just numbers – they are people forced to endure unimaginable hardship, particularly in the coldest months of the year.’’

The two data sets, the first published since the general election, will likely cause alarm across both political circles and homeless services

Also on Friday the Department of Children and Integration, updated figures on homeless international protection applicants, showing there were 3,111 “awaiting offer of accommodation”.

Responding to the figures Minister for Housing Darragh O’Brien said: “Addressing homelessness is an absolute priority and we are working flat out to meet this challenge. Although we are preventing people entering homelessness and helping people to exit emergency accommodation at higher levels than ever before, we still face the challenge of lowering the overall numbers.

“I am confident that we will get these numbers down as we continue to increase housing supply. We have seen significant increases in the number of new homes being built, including a ramping up of social housing delivery which has reached levels not seen since the 1970s. Our plan is delivering results and I am determined to build on that momentum to help bring down the number of people experiencing homelessness.”

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