
Dem Donor: Oh, I Know Obama and Pelosi Didn’t Want Kamala

Democratic strategist Lindy Li doesn’t care if she never works in politics again. The operative has gone on a media tour, where she has excoriated her colleagues over the failed 2024 Kamala Harris campaign. She risks never working in Democratic politics again, but she likely couldn’t care less. She cannot keep her mouth shut regarding the unmitigated disaster this year and told NewsNation’s Natasha Zouves what we had an inkling of post-Joe Biden’s 2024 ouster: The party brain trust didn’t want Kamala Harris. Specifically, Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi didn’t want her. 

Ms. Li went into depth regarding these interactions, reportedly having deep ties to the Obama world and being friends with Ms. Pelosi. 

“I know they didn’t,” she said.  “It’s not a matter conjecture for me. I know they didn’t.” 

Regarding her discussion with Pelosi’s camp, the former House speaker told Li to give Biden the code red, so to speak, granting her permission to venture onto Fox News Sunday, the day Biden got the boot, to sell the “step down and pass the mantle to the next generation” line. 

“Obama and Pelosi were both hoping for a primary instead of a coronation, so to speak, “she added. “The chieftains of the party were hoping for a lightning round, a lightning primary. And President Biden essentially preempted that by issuing his endorsement 30 minutes after he dropped out.” 

Once again, we see Pelosi’s fingerprints all over the coup to oust Biden. In a moment of clarity, Joe Biden seemed to be aware of this, too—or maybe Jill was—because the endorsement that followed nuked the party brass’ plans. 

Li has said that donors are infuriated over the expenditures—Kamala blew $1 billion in her failed bid. She recounted how she felt she was misled, with some folks telling her that Kamala would win Iowa, much to her disbelief. She noted how Harris’ camp touted the door knock numbers, not early voting, because “there wasn’t much to say.” They were horrible figures. Now, a supposed “household name” is refusing to give anymore. In that interview with Fox News’ Will Cain, she was cagey before saying people should look into Democracy Alliance, a George Soros group. 

Kamala Harris’ top aides now admit that not once did their internal polling have Harris leading Donald Trump.

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