Newswise — With GLP-1 drugs dominating headlines for their impact on weight loss and metabolic health, new discussions around their potential role in extending healthy lifespan are emerging.
Dr. Christoph Westphal, Co-founder and General Partner of Longwood Fund, and Dr. Jarod Rutledge, Biomarkers Lead at the Amaranth Foundation, highlight why GLP-1s could be the first widely available drugs proven to extend healthspan—and how this excitement is fueling investment in longevity biotech.
“If all of us in this room, within three or four or five years, can prove that with GLP-1s you can extend healthy lifespan, it will actually be the first healthy lifespan-increasing drug available. So it’s going to totally change the world.” – Dr. Christoph Westphal
“Yeah, I think at the early stage, we’re definitely seeing more. I went to a few lifespan extension and healthspan extension-specific events, and they were always really packed with a lot more builders and also more investment than we’ve seen in the past. So I think there’s a ton of energy at the early stage, and, of course, at the late stage, everybody’s excited about the GLP-1s and thinking maybe this will kind of help push things forward.” – Dr. Jarod Rutledge
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