CBS News’ Jan Crawford said something odd regarding the most underreported story of 2024, claiming the honor belongs to Joe Biden’s declining mental health. She’s not wrong, except it’s been the most underreported story throughout his presidency. Yet, Crawford also had a lengthy commentary about the media, Democrats, and the Supreme Court, which couldn’t have been more accurate.
Journalists sitting together wondering why journalism didn’t happen. https://t.co/JdUvMRJs96
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) December 30, 2024
So, let’s get past the eye-rolls over Joe Biden’s cognitive decline because they’re all going to say they missed it, even though we know that’s not true. It was an open secret that the press was worried they would help Donald Trump or lose access to the White House—that’s not an excuse. Still, Crawford took a blowtorch to the institutional Left’s crusade against the Supreme Court, succinctly calling out their BS in less than two minutes.
She noted it began post-Dobbs, which overturned Roe v. Wade, which led to this parade of attacks on the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, which she found to be weak sauce. It was spurred by Senate Democrats who began a long war against the third branch. As she aptly described, the stories about the so-called scandals involving some justices were beyond overblown. The ruling in the presidential immunity case was grossly misreported, and all of this was done to sway the public into thinking this was a corrupt court. It’s not. She admitted it’s conservative, but they’re doing lawyer’s work, arguing statutes, and debating their respective interpretations of the Constitution.
Yes, as most institutions do, the Court’s public opinion standing took a hit; this isn’t new. Also, the Supreme Court is supposed to be insulated from public opinion. They’re not supposed to know or consider what the public wants in their decisions. That’s not their job. Congress and elected legislatures decided on those matters.
And even with the smear campaigns, “the Court’s public opinion remains much higher than our other institutions, including the White House, Congress, and by far the news media,” added Crawford.
Here are her remarks in full:
🚨Watch CBS News’ chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford destroy the manufactured “legitimacy crisis” narrative being pushed by the Left about the Supreme Court:
“It really started and took off in the wake of the Dobbs decision. The Court’s ruling that overturned Roe versus… pic.twitter.com/B6WykOQBx6
— Carrie Severino (@JCNSeverino) January 2, 2025
“It really started and took off in the wake of the Dobbs decision. The Court’s ruling that overturned Roe versus Wade. The outrage over that decision was so extreme that you saw I think a quite calculated effort to undermine the legitimacy of the Supreme Court by Democrats — Senate Democrats for example — hearings, stories about scandals, some of which were pretty overblown to say the least.
So, that has an impact on public opinion. You know, the public starts to believe that this Court is corrupt, that this is, you know on the take, none of which is true. I mean, this is still a Court, you may disagree with their decisions, it’s a very conservative Court. It is not a corrupt Court.
These are nine justices who have very different views on how to interpret the Constitution, who are kind of in this titanic struggle over law, not politics. Even the immunity decision. I mean, that decision was so misreported to say that the Court was going to save Trump from a criminal trial. No, it wasn’t. That was never the decision. In fact, that decision is going to help protect Joe Biden from any future prosecution by Donald Trump if he wanted to do that. So, you know, when we look at public opinion polls, sure, the Court’s taken a hit, but that’s true over the years.
The Court often takes a hit, so do other institutions. And the Court’s public opinion remains much higher than our other institutions, including the White House, Congress, and by far the news media.”
Well said, ma’am.